This novel is set during World War II within a traveling circus. Noa is a sixteen year old who is kicked out for becoming pregnant by a Nazi. In order to survive she joins the German circus. She must work hard to learn the flying trapeze act.
I really wanted to love this one! The ending disappointed me. I have read a lot of books about the Holocaust but no one scene has affected me as much as the scene where Noa opens the train car and finds all the babies. Noa is a survivor, a great friend, and a protector. Astrid was hard for me to like. She rubbed me the wrong way. I liked that the circus family was a true family, excluding Emmet. The ending let me down. I do not understand whyAstrid decided to keep the secret for so long. If the ending was a little different, this could have made my favorites list.
*Thank you to Pam Jenoff, Mira Books, and NetGalley for allowing me to read an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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