Characters You Love: To Hate
Liane Moriarity has a knack for characters. Not all of them are good, but all are well written. You may be surprised who you decide to feel sympathy for. If you haven't checked her out I can highly recommend Big Little Lies

Characters Who Have Lost Their Mind: Or Have They?
For me, Adam Nevill wins the award for best written character. Catherine from The House of Small Shadows is fascinating. Is she losing it? Has she already lost it? Is the story reality or is she trapped in her own horror story? Guess what, You will have to read it to find out!!

Diverse Characters:
Best group of diverse characters has to go to Michelle Kilmer's When the Dead. Imagine what an interesting group you would get out of an apartment full of people. Now, throw in zombies. There is good here and bad here, and the writing is excellent!

Historical Characters:
Vivian from Orphan Train is written so expertly . After reading Vivian's story you will feel as if Christina Baker Kline must have ridden the orphan train in real life. How did she get such a good grasp or the feelings and emotions of the riders? You really must read to find out how well written this one is!

I love Liane Moriarty's works. She does very well with her characters. And thanks for introducing me to a new zombie book. Yay!