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Friday, May 13, 2016

Armchair BEA: Day Three- Beyond Books and Beyond The Blog

Welcome to Day Three of Armchair BEA!!!!
Thanks for stopping by!

Today's Topic is Beyond Books and Beyond the Blog.

Beyond Books--

   My favorite forms of books beyond non-traditional are ebooks and graphic novels. The best example I can give for graphic novels are The Walking Dead compendiums. If you haven't checked them out, you really should! The graphics are amazing and the storyline will pull you in. This is not the television series. There are differences here. If you love the show you should check out where it came from!

  Ebooks are great because I can read them in bed and just shut my phone off when I am done. Ebooks are at many times cheaper then their hardback or paperback counterparts. Some books are only available  in ebook format. There also is the added bonus that some ebooks are Free to read!

I do love to hold a book in my hand and see the cover. BUT I think ebooks are so portable and easy to use. Just make sure you have a charger near by. Ebooks are also just as easy to share with friends as an actual book. I will always love printed material in any way, shape, or form I can get it. I believe that my first choice would be a physical book. Ebooks are the best to read in the dark!

Beyond the Blog--

How do I engage with books outside my blog? My number one go to is the library. They have so many options of movies and books and magazines. The librarians and other library patrons are a great way to find out about new and upcoming books. They have great recommendations. If you don't utilize your local library, you really should go check it out!

Goodreads is also great for book recommendations. I love keeping track of what I read. I can write about it one time and refer back to it. It even helps me with my blog as far as referring back to the books I have read. You can even connect with other readers and authors here. They also give away free books. I really love Goodreads.

Have you heard of Shelf Awareness? It is another great site for readers and bloggers. There are separate pages, one for readers, and one for the book trade (bloggers). Shelf Awareness connects you with authors. They have reviews and general book news. They also occasionally have free book connections and links to other book sites. I try to check Shelf Awareness several times a week. They put out a daily edition for the book trade and on Tuesday and Friday they have a reader edition.

All of these things added together help with my blog and keep me busy when I am not blogging. Most of the websites I check deal with books or movies. I always love connecting with other bloggers and other readers. Reading is my number one way to pass the time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes....I like Shelf Awareness. Great site.

    Library is awesome too.

    Thanks for sharing. I enjoy these posts because we learn more about fellow bloggers.

    Silver's Reviews
