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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Websites I Love That Aren't About Books!

10.  Amazon- I like to check out the reviews on movies and buy items from here too!

 9.  Redbox- always looking for a new movie to rent!

 8.  Twitter- there are some seriously funny folks on here!

 7. My yahoo- Gotta check that mail!

 6. Facebook- It's a problem!!

 5. Trip Advisor- I like to check out the reviews of places I am going

 4. A great place to find the latest TV, film, games, and trailers

 3. People- Has the latest on celebrities and hollywood happenings

 2. EW- The Entertainment Weekly website. This is my favorite magazine.

 1. Rotten Tomatoes- Helps me decide if a movie is worth scouting out

I realize these are some very basic choices. Since my blog is about entertainment, most of the sites I visit are book sites. These are my top choices for the non-reading world, which is pretty much non-existent for me! LOL


  1. I spend way too much time on Twitter as well, haha. And Tripadvisor, I love checking out the places I want to go there, as well :) Great list!
