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Friday, July 11, 2014

The Girl Who Came Home: A Novel of the Titanic By Hazel Gaynor

The Girl Who Came Home by Hazel Gaynor

This is the second novel I have read where there are two interconnecting stories, one contemporary, one historical. I find myself loving the historical part of the novel, and just liking the contemporary part. Maybe the problem is that the contemporary characters are boring. The other story that reminds me of this one is Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Kline. I recommend it, if you enjoyed this one. The contemporary character, well "1982" character is Grace. The star of the story is Maggie, Grace's great-grandmother. I highly recommend reading the whole novel through. The story can be slow in parts, but don't give up, stick with it. Grace becomes more likeable as the stories diverge. I also suggest reading the author notes. I had no idea that some of the characters were based on real life people. I have read many Titanic books and had no idea that dogs were saved in the boats, that blew my mind. Reading the notes will open up the story. Also that was not the ending I saw coming. I was left satisfied, but surprised. I truly hope Ms. Gaynor chooses to write more historical novels. I will gladly line up to read anything she is willing to write.
Orphan Train

You can find more about Hazel Gaynor at
You can find more about Christina Baker Kline at

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